Customer-centricfocus on delivering high-quality certification services.
SinoConfidence International Certification (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd SCIC, is a third-party certification organization approved by the Certification and AccreditationAdministration of China (CNCA) with registration number CNCA-R-2021-845.SCICoperates in accordance with international practices and Chinese nationalconditions, adhering to the principles of "openness, impartiality, andfairness" while following relevant certification standards and laws andregulations.
We provide professional business solutions to make your business faster, simpler and more effective.
SCIC alwaysadheres to the business principles of "Scientific Standards, TrustDelivery, Continuous Innovation, and Service Development.". We provide denterprises with Quality Management Systems (ISO 9000), Food Safety Management Systems (ISO22000), HACCP, Organic, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), BRCGS Food, BRCGS Packaging Materials, IFS Food, IFS Logistics, IFS Broker, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), ISO 22716, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO (IP), low-carbon system, ecotourism hotel and other certification. We provide timely, efficient,and convenient services to clients with certification or training needs,bringing smooth service processes to businesses.
Tailored plan
Expert-selected,customized solutions
Nationwide On-site Team
10-30years of rich experience team, proficient certification skills, high efficiency
End-to-End Service Guarantee
24-houronline support from seasoned consultants to tackle any certification challenges